OneWeb works on Firefox mobile

After our short demonstration of what you can do when you put XMPP inside the browser, we wanted to demonstrate that it works equally well in a mobile browser.

Mickaël Rémond
· 1 min read
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First, you should look at the video of OneWeb demonstration in our previous blog post and the video: OneWeb demonstrates the power of XMPP inside the browser.

We made sure that OneWeb would work in Firefox mobile (aka Fennec). User interface had to be adapted to support the mobile version. The feature set is the same than the one of OneWeb for desktop.

We have tested OneWeb in many places to ensure it works in all these environment with the same code base: in Firefox on the desktop, in Firefox mobile on Maemo SDK and in Firefox mobile on a real Nokia N900 phone. Yes, we manage to package it to use the same code base in all environments. It is a challenge, because as you see the user interface is quite different and clearly well integrated into Firefox mobile.

We also took the opportunity of the release of OneWeb for Firefox mobile to publish the code on Github: OneWeb source code.

OneWeb is still an experimentation. Your comments feedback and contributions are welcome!