Revamped ejabberd website, new logo, new development process

Mickaël Rémond
· 1 min read
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We all agree that website was a bit dated and did not do justice to the ejabberd code base.

It indeed deserved a major rework and that’s what we have started a while ago.

We have just rolled out a brand new fresh and modern ejabberd home page on

Along with that design, we have a new ejabberd logo. The hedgehog is gone and you now have the bubble ‘e’ with the nice new ejabberd typography.

We hope you will like it 😊

This is just the tip of the iceberg. As you may have noticed, the whole process for developing the project itself went through a major rework. To ease collaboration with the community, we moved to Github issues. This was decided for the following reasons:

  • Almost all developers now already have a Github account. This save the hassle of created another account on another system.
  • It is integrated with Git workflow itself (i.e. you can close a ticket with a commit log)
  • It offers a single approach to process tickets and pull requests.

We are going to move the relevant tickets from the older ejabberd ticket system.

Do not hesitate to send your feedback. Star and fork ejabberd on Github, send us your pull request and let’s some great code done :)