Ten Questions with Joe Armstrong about Parallel Programming and Erlang

Michael Suess has published a nice interview of Joe Armstrong on his blog.

Mickaël Rémond
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The interview is available on Thinking ParallelTen Questions with Joe Armstrong about Parallel Programming and Erlang.

This article is a very nice introduction to Erlang.

My favorite answer ? Regarding multicore CPUs, Joe explains that this is an area where Erlang shines. The design of Erlang program being naturally parallel, the impact of running Erlang on multicore CPU is impressive:

we’re talking about potentially doubling efficiency on a dual-core quadrupling efficiency on a 4x core etc. I have had programs running 18 times faster on a 32 core machine. This is x 18 – we’re used to looking for 5% – 10% improvements by re-coding parts of our applications not 400% or 1800% – this effects all software.