XMPP Academy #2: November 4th
Our second session of XMPP Academy is scheduled for the 4th of November. The goal of the XMPP Academy is to help developers get the big picture and get XMPP architecture and design tips from 15-years-experience XMPP experts.

We are targeting all XMPP developers interested in asking questions on specific XMPP topics. Selected questions will be answered during a live private session for our ejabberd SaaS customers. The recording will be available to anyone to see later on-demand on ProcessOne videos channel.
Our second session will takes place on November 4th at 6pm CET. If you are an ejabberd SaaS customer, you can save the date, as you will soon receive a free registration link to attend live.
For other XMPP developers, you are very welcome to send us your questions before November 3rd through our contact form. We will select the most interesting topics / questions to reply to.
We are waiting for your input !
In the meantime, you can catch up on the first XMPP Academy session: ProcessOne XMPP Academy #1 Video and Slides.