Matrix protocol added to ejabberd

Mickaël Rémond
· 2 min read
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ejabberd is already the most versatile and scalable messaging server. In this post, we are giving a sneak peak at what is coming next.

ejabberd just get new ace in it sleeve – you can now use ejabberd to talk with other Matrix servers, a protocol sometimes used for small corporate server messaging.

Of course, you all know ejabberd supports the XMPP instant messaging protocol with hundreds of XMPP extensions, this is what it is famous for.

The second major protocol in ejabberd is MQTT. ejabberd support MQTT 5 with clustering, and is massively scalable. ejabberd can be used to implement Internet of Things projects, using either XMPP or MQTT and it also supports hybrid workflow, where you can mix humans and machines exchanging messages on the same platform.

It also supports SIP, as you can connect to ejabberd with a SIP client, so that you can use a softphone directly with ejabberd for internal calls.

So far, so good, ejabberd leading both in terms of performance and number of messaging protocol it supports.

We always keep an eye on new messaging protocol. Recently, the Matrix protocol emerged as a new way to implement messaging for the small corporate servers.

Of course, by design, the Matrix protocol cannot scale as well as XMPP or MQTT protocols. At the heart of Matrix protocol, you have a kind of merging algorithm that reminds a bit of Google Wave. It means that a conversation is conceptually represented as a sort document you constantly merge on the server. This is a consuming process that is happening on the server for each message received in all conversations. That’s why Matrix has the reputation to be so difficult to scale.

Even if it is not as scalable as XMPP, we believe that we can make Matrix much more scalable than what it is now. That’s what we are doing right now.

As a first step, we have been working on implementing a large subset of the Matrix protocol as a bridge in ejabberd.

It means that an ejabberd server will be able to act as a Matrix server in the Matrix ecosystem. XMPP users will be able to exchange messages with Matrix users, transparently.

To do that, we implemented the Matrix protocol for conversations and the server-to-server protocol to allow interop between XMPP and Matrix protocol.

This feature coming first for our customers, in the coming weeks, whether they are using ejabberd Business Edition internally or on Fluux ejabberd SaaS platform. It will come later to ejabberd Community Edition.