ejabberd 16.08

Welcome ejabberd summer release ! This new release is the culmination of several months of work to improve your experience using ejabberd. It contains as usual a lot of small bug fixes and some enhancements. However, this version contains some new major features: MUC/Sub Major clean-up and improvement on OAuth ReST API Database backend for […]

ejabberd 16.06

We are proud to introduce our new ejabberd release, ejabberd 16.06. As usual it includes many bug fixes, but also several improvements.

Elixir Paris Meetup: July 5, 2016

Elixir Paris Meetup will happen on July 5th in downtown Paris, at Remix Coworking. The programme includes the following talks (in French): Lessons learned by rewriting a SaaS application in RubyOnRails in Elixir (Thibaut Barrère) Sidekiq and Exq (Bryan Frimin) Phoenix Presence: Phoenix 1.2 realtime service (Mickaël Rémond) You can register to attend on Paris.ex […]

XMPP Radar Newsletter #11

Welcome to the 11th issue of our newsletter. You can subscribe to the XMPP Radar newsletter and receive it in your inbox at the end of each month. Here are the links we found interesting in May:

ejabberd and the Google Summer of Code 2016

The BEAM Community is a group of projects that run on the Erlang VM. Our goal is to host relevant projects in the Erlang and Elixir communities, making it easy for those projects to participate in the Google Summer of Code (GSoC) 2016 (and similar initiatives), giving interested students a wide range of projects to […]

XMPP Radar Newsletter #10

Welcome to the 10th issue of our newsletter. April will be remembered by the renaissance of the chat bubble, the rise of the bots, and the end-to-end encryption for the masses. You can subscribe to the XMPP Radar newsletter and receive it in your inbox at the end of each month. Here are the links […]

ejabberd 16.04

This new ejabberd release includes bugfixes, and also two major source code refactorings: one for ejabberd commands, and other for database specific code in many modules. This version is doing lot of under the scene changes to prepare further improvements and refactoring. For consistency, modules configured to use an SQL RDBMS are named sql instead […]