ProcessOne Unveils New Website

Say hello to the new ProcessOne website !

Mickaël Rémond
· 1 min read
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We’re excited to announce the relaunch of our website, designed to better showcase our expertise in large-scale messaging solutions, highlighting our full spectrum of supported protocols—from XMPP to MQTT and Matrix. This reflects our core strength: delivering reliable messaging at scale.

The last major redesign was back in October 2017, so this update was long overdue. As we say farewell to the old design, here’s a screenshot of the previous version to commemorate the journey so far.

In addition to refreshing the layout and structure, we’ve made a significant change under the hood by migrating from WordPress to Ghost. After using Ghost for my personal blog and being thoroughly impressed, we knew it was the right choice for ProcessOne. The new platform offers not only long-term maintainability but also a much more streamlined, enjoyable day-to-day experience, thanks to its faster and more efficient authoring tools.

All of our previous blog content has been successfully migrated, and we’re now in a great position to deliver more frequent updates on topics such as messaging, XMPP, ejabberd, MQTT, and Matrix. Stay tuned for exciting new posts!

We’d love to hear your feedback and suggestions on what topics you’d like us to cover next. To join the conversation, simply create an account on our site and share your thoughts.